Boston chapter awards of excellence call for nominations

April 02, 2008 - Owners Developers & Managers
The 2008 Boston Chapter Awards of Excellence program marks a high point for the profession as it recognizes the finest advancements and contributions in facility management as well as in the IFMA community. Devoting the time and effort to prepare a submission, you will be among the elite who recognizes excellence in an individual, a service, or the performance of a system. The submission requirements are not that time-consuming, as it involves responding to only a few primary questions and submitting some supporting exhibits. IFMA Boston will provide support resources to help you prepare your submission, if desired.
Please take advantage of this opportunity to give well-deserved recognition to your colleagues, peers and even yourselves for a job well done. This is a great way for you to gain credibility and visibility for and within your organization!
The awards will be presented at the IFMA Boston Awards of Excellence Dinner on May 21st at the Intercontinental Hotel in Boston.
Award categories under consideration for this year are:
Best Practice Award:
This award category encompasses small projects (<50,000 s/f), large projects (>50,000 s/f), sustainability and facility management processes. The award is presented to the individual or team whose facility management program, project, system, innovation or idea has had a substantial positive effect on the success of their organization. The winner(s) will demonstrate innovation, and their achievements will be used to educate other facility management professionals. This award is intended to honor those who achieve "above and beyond" the normal scope of job responsibilities.
Distinguished Professional Member Award:
It is presented to a professional member who has provided sustained, outstanding leadership to a chapter, council and/or the association at the local level. Must demonstrate the best in leadership and ethics.
Distinguished Associate
Member Award:
Presented to a company or its representative in recognition of voluntary contributions to IFMA at the local level. These contributions may include sponsoring programs or educational offerings, presenting innovative sessions on FM-related topics, sponsoring educational research or scholarships, providing technical assistance to members or serving as chapter or council officers or committee members.
Education and Professional Development Award:
Should demonstrate exceptional support of professional development in their organization and/or facility management community.
Please visit our website for additional information. The Nomination Form for these categories is available for download on the IFMA Boston website at


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