President's message: Five star chapter recognition for 2008

April 02, 2008 - Owners Developers & Managers
I am proud to announce that the Institute Of Real Estate Management Boston Metropolitan chapter #4 has earned the honor of being a five star chapter for the second year in a row. Great job to Robert Krauss 2007 chapter president. The Chapter Star Recognition Program recognizes IREM chapters for providing valuable member services and programs. The program awards points for specific activities based on criteria that define effective, successful chapters, some activities are required, others are elective. Then, based on total points earned, chapters can achieve three, four, or five star status.
2008 leadership is working very hard to earn a third five star chapter recognition for 2008.

March was a very active month with several seminars including the 10 hour OSHA training course at Gillette Stadium. There were 100 people in attendance and all the participants know the meaning of 75,000. There are four thoughts that come to mind after attending this seminar.
1) Work with OSHA instead of trying to hide violations.
2) Be aware of your surroundings when on the job site.
3) Use common sense.
4) The fine for violations is $75,000.
This seminar was free of charge to all members. I want to personally thank ARS for their efforts and hospitality. Great job.
The legislative membership meeting was held at the Dedham Hilton. Our speaker was former senate president Robert Travaglini. The former senator spoke about importance of participation in government. A few thoughts I have after the meeting was that often elected officials are seeking information. We need to be prepared to be effective.
We inducted three new CPM's and four new ARM's.

Below are some local legislative issue the chapter is following
*Senate 769: Closed board meetings. Only for specific purposes. Suggested position - oppose
This bill calls for open meetings for any decision of an association's board with proper notice. This bill causes issues for smaller associations due to the lack adequate space to hold meetings. It will potentially hold up construction projects and other operational projects due to the length of time it takes to give notice and have meetings on such items.
*House Bill 317
Suggested position - oppose

*Manager Licensing
Re-filed bill seeking to establish a board of registration of condominium managers. The board will consist of five members, three of whom are unit owners, one of whom is a manager and one of whom is a member of CAI.
The bill gives licensing authority to the board of registration. The bill contemplates the establishment of educational and experience requirements for licenses. The bill also calls for a licensing examination. The bill appears to give the board discretion (1) to establish the educational and experience requirements for licenser and (2) to approve the licensing examination.
The bill requires licensed managers to maintain or be covered by errors and omissions insurance in a minimum amount of $250,000. A licensed manager would be required to report any complaint to the insurance company when the claim is greater than the deductible or the E&O policy.
The bill requires the board to investigate "all complaints" relating (1) to proper management practices and (2) to violation of the licensing statute. The board after a hearing is vested with the power to deny, suspend or revoke a license upon proof of (1) fraud in obtaining a license; (2) criminal convictions or plea agreements; (3) failure to report a required insurance claim; (4) violation of board rules and regulations; (5) failure to fulfill continuing education requirements and (6) violation of ethical standards.

Just a quick reminder that May 17th is the New England Region's big 70th celebration at Granite links. This is a celebration of the past present and future by inducting Robert Nordblom and Harry Gilbert into the New England Hall Of Fame. In addition we will be inducting Candice Thayer as a CPM. The induction will be performed by her father Douglas Thayer chapter president 1991. Reggie Mullins will be talking about the future of the institute. There will be a wine tasting and dancing. Do not miss the fun. Contact for more information.

Winder Nordblom is the 2008 president of the Boston chapter of IREM, Boston, Mass.


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