BRAGB advocates for issues affecting homebuilding and construction industry

June 20, 2013 - Construction Design & Engineering

Shown (from left) are: Mahoney,Darcy, Antonelli, Chaban, and Kady

Shown (from left) are: Alan Hope, Joe Antonelli, Gerry-Lynn Darcy, Congressman Joseph Kennedy, III, Larry Kady, Andrew Chaban, and Ted Mahoney

Members of the Builders and Remodelers Association of Massachusetts were in Washington for a legislative conference. Leaders from the Builders and Remodelers Association of Greater Boston including Gerry-Lynn Darcy, Ted Mahoney and Joe Antonelli joined leaders from the Northeast Association including Larry Kady incoming state president, Alan Hope, and Andrew Chaban of Princeton Properties to visit their local legislators on Capitol Hill.
On June 5 the group met with congressmen Joseph Kennedy III, Michael Capuano and William Keating to discuss current issues and bills before congress that affect the home building and construction industries. The members of the Builders and Remodelers Association of Massachusetts also sat with staff members from the offices of congressmen John Tierney and Stephen Lynch to provide recommendations for reform relating to the tax code, housing finance and immigration on behalf of NAHB and their local chapters.

Group Photo #1 Shown (from left) are: Ted Mahoney, principal of Windjammer Construction, NAHB area chairman, director and BRAGB executive committee; Gerry-Lynn Darcy, executive officer of BRAGB; Joe Antonelli, Antonelli Professional Resources, NAHB director and BRAGB member; Andrew Chaban, CEO of Princeton Properties, chairman of the federal government affairs committee and executive board member of the NAHB; and Larry Kady, state president of HBRAMA and NAHB state representative

Group Photo #2 Shown (from left) are: Alan Hope, Joe Antonelli, Gerry-Lynn Darcy, Congressman Joseph Kennedy, III, Larry Kady, Andrew Chaban, and Ted Mahoney


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