By Bob Bowen-Mold treatment goes "ultra green" with organic products: enzyme product that kill/removes mold

November 10, 2011 - Spotlights

Bob Bowen, Indoor Environmental

Ask any real estate professional what single word elicits fear in his/her heart and chances are "mold" will be at the top of the list. Insidious air-born mold spores can invade a residential or commercial property and begin to grow in as in as little as 24 hours, causing symptoms from skin rashes and sinus headaches to reduced lung capacity and difficulty breathing.
Mold can be a deal-breaker in the sale or purchase of real estate, ranking not far behind radon, asbestos and lead paint as a pollutant to shun. The imperative therefore is to mediate mold - a fungi that, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, is found in up to 50% of all structures.
There's no question that mold and mold removal can be a daunting challenge. Typical (traditional) mold removal methods include tearing out walls, ceilings, carpets and interior framework. And once this is accomplished, chemicals are normally applied. These toxins - including bleach - have been proven to be unsafe, ineffective over the long-term and also bad for the environment.
The "ultra green" approach to mold control, a treatment that is used by Indoor Environmental, comes in the form of a natural and safe, yet highly-effective product derived from plants. In short, it is an organic enzyme that seeks out surface, air and hidden mold and mold spores, in addition to bacteria.
Approved by the Food and Drug Administration and EPA registered, this biotech breakthrough to mold remediation poses no health risks and is environmentally friendly. It is an enzyme product that not only kills mold - it completely removes it. And that's critical, since dead mold can still carry allergenic properties which can continue to have a negative impact on humans, animals and the environment.
But with product ingredients that include plant based extracts, safe natural enzymes, natural surfactants, essential oils and water, this 100% natural and organic treatment is completely safe.
Use of such an organic product has substantial advantages in addition to its non-toxic components, for it eliminates the need to deconstruct and rebuild, thereby saving time and reducing the cost of mold remediation. Moreover, this non-invasive process doesn't require the removal of furniture, carpeting or personal items. The product is applied by a hand-held fogger and the residence or commercial building is suitable for occupation in 24 hours as the "ultra green" product incorporates specific food grade enzymes that deconstruct mold and bacteria, rendering them completely harmless.
The organic product utilized at Indoor Environmental embeds all porous surfaces, reaching contamination even hidden behind walls, effectively causing the mold to decompose. And as long as there is mold present, the enzyme within this "ultra green" solution continues to work. At the conclusion of application, what remains is a light scent, a barrier against further mold ...and a healthy building. And that's not brag (just talk), its fact.
According to an EPA "kill rate test" the product used by Indoor Environmental either substantially reduced or totally eliminated mold, parasitic and other health-compromising organisms; the product was tested at one, five and twenty minutes, and after twenty-four and seventy-two hours, translating into genuine substantiation of the treatment's impact.
With the proper knowledge about safe and effective treatments, real estate professionals can replace their clients concerns about mold with a sign that says "sold."
Bob Bowen is a principal at Indoor Environmental, Marshfield, Mass.


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