By Matt Weaver - "A Green Light" For Small Business

August 25, 2011 - Green Buildings

Matt Weaver, Jack Conway Realtor

I remember a story, not long ago, about some "green" engineers that were working on finding ways that small business, or any business for that matter, to take advantage of the wide menu of "green technology" available to better their bottom lines. Many still think that it is cost prohibitive to take on "green tech", however with many scenarios this is not the case.

Take the case of the "proverbial" light bulb over the head cartoon. When a small business takes the initiative to simply change the light bulb over a work station to a "daylight spectrum" bulb - amazing things will begin to happen. A sizable list of benefits begins to take shape.

First, an employee will find that when daylight spectrum lighting is brought down to their workstation, they will begin to notice real change mentally and begin to appreciate the employers concern for their benefit. Secondly an employee will have less fatigue and eye strain benefiting an employee's health. Thirdly, an employer will find that there are less sick days accrued and less time lost on production. The fourth benefit comes from fewer reports of accidents which will benefit the health coverage cost, the employers down time from production, and most importantly the employee themselves. The fifth area of gain is the fact the light bulb can be an energy efficient bulb helping to save electric cost and emissions of greenhouse gases. Now the sixth category of benefit is where the employer will really find the best statistic to better their bottom line. They will find that productivity levels will rise and in some cases greatly. In business 101 many have learned that just a slight increase in productivity levels can greatly raise the bottom line.

All of this is just because we've brought a daylight spectrum bulb to a workstation. This is a proven cost effective way to gain all of the above. Your employees will love the attention, the ability to perform to the best of their abilities will improve, and health related issues that can be improved will help in maximizing productivity levels. Now, let's introduce some fresh air with that daylight spectrum bulb and really watch productivity levels rise.
Matthew Weaver is a Realtor with Jack Conway Realtor, Plymouth, Mass.


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