By Mehrdad Ghalebi - LED Lighting Has Come of Age

August 25, 2011 - Green Buildings

Mehrdad Ghalebi, Xeleum Lighting

Concerns over energy conservation and freedom from reliance on imported energy and various other ecological and political influences have helped accelerate the development process and adoption of this highly efficient and effective technology.
If correctly chosen and applied, LED lighting can provide up to an 80% savings over Tungsten and filament lamps and a savings of up to 60% when compared to Fluorescent T8 lamps. LEDs produce much less heat than fluorescent and Tungsten lamps, do not contain any hazardous materials and can last up to 70,000 hours in certain fixtures. This will go a long way to reducing carbon emissions as well as saving a lot of money.

But the question that remains: Are all LED lights the same?
The answer is an emphatic No!

Manufacturing experience, quality of the LEDs, correct thermal management, and attention to detail as well as a full understanding of the Physics of LED lighting makes a big difference.
At Xeleum, we have extensive experience with LED technology that dates back to the 1970s, combined with extensive manufacturing experience in both the consumer and industrial fields. We have a full photometric laboratory equipped with photo-goniometric measurement instruments and take verification of our performance claims very seriously. We are currently offering a wide range of LED lamp replacements for fluorescent and incandescent lamps and will soon add a range of full fixtures intended for commercial and architectural lighting.
These fixtures are all based on what we call the Xeleum Light Engine (XLE). This proprietary approach enables us to offer fixtures in many sizes and shapes that are best suited to their specific application, as opposed to a one-size-fits-all approach adopted by other manufacturers. LED lighting enables radical new designs to be applied to a new generation of lighting fixtures. At Xeleum, we are very much aware of this and have several new concepts under development that we believe will revolutionize the way we think of lighting fixtures.
We invite engineers and architects to share with us their ideas and wish lists and join in our quest to develop the exciting new lighting fixtures and applications of tomorrow.
Mehrdad Ghalebi is the president of Xeleum Lighting, Mount Kisco, N.Y.


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