Carter Wall 2012

February 23, 2012 - Green Buildings

Carter Wall, Broadway Renewable Strategies

Name: Carter Wall
Title: Director, Performance Solar Division
Company: Broadway Renewable Strategies
Location: 295 Freeport St., Boston, MA 02122-3592
Place of birth: Connecticut
College: Bryn Mawr College, Harvard University
First job unrelated to your current field: Laboratory at an orange juice factory.
First job in current field: Economic consulting firm
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? Broadway Electrical is a well-respected third-generation electrical contractor, one of the northeast's largest. Broadway Renewable Strategies has rapidly become one of the region's leading solar developers - in 2011 we were the second largest in Mass. Our new performance solar division offers the next important development in solar property management - services to help owners manage their solar investment to peak financial performance.
Hobbies: The board of "Future Faces of American Energy," introducing young women and minorities to careers in the energy field.
Favorite novel: Anything by Mark Twain
Favorite film: Martial arts movies
Keys to success: Listen to your customers
Person you most admire (outside of family): Harvard's Bill Hogan


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