CCIM Annual Dinner and Induction of Officers at TPC River Highlands in Cromwell

December 15, 2011 - Connecticut

Attendees of the CCIM annual dinner and induction of officers.

At the CT CCIM Annual Dinner held on Thursday, November 22nd at TPC River Highland in Cromwell, the 2012 slate of directors and officers were elected. The BOD and Committee Chairs discussed 2012 stategy and calendar of events. Wayne D'Amico, first vice president CCIM Institute, updated the members on the "State of the CCIM Institute". Stan Gniazdowski delivered to the members a riveting and informative presentation on "Is Connecticut Open for Business?". Stan provided data on what is happening locally in the state with respect to employment, taxes, banking and marketing information.
Thanks were given to 2011 CT CCIM president Bryan Atherton for a great year, both from a programming and financial prospective, to Wayne D'Amico, 2012 National CCIM president-elect for attending and to CT CCIM's annual sponsors BL Companies, Robinson & Cole and JP Macquire.
Past Presidents John Cafasso, Peter D'Addeo, Wayne D'Amico, Stan Gniazdowski, Jack Lynch, Frank Micali, Mark O'Hagan, Fred Petrella and Jeff Ryer were recognized as well as CT CCIM's newest designees Brian Miller and Peter Stergos.
The following Committee Chairs were announced: Edudation-John Cafasso; Membership- Mark O'Hagan and Jack Lynch; Sponsorship - Ed Jordan
Member meetings will be held every odd month on the second Tuesday. Programs will include a speaker, marketing and a business meeting and will be held in different locations across the state to encourage statewide involvement with emphasis on encouraging new members to become actively involved and to take advantage of the network the chapter can offer.
Shown sitting (from left) are: - Steve Patten, 2012 CT Chapter CCIM president; Bryan Atherton, 2011 CT Chapter CCIM president. Standing (from left) are: John Cafasso, Mark O'Hagan, Stan Gniazdowski, Ed Jordan, Frank Micali, Peter Stergos - 2012 Chapter secretary, Kyle Roberts - 2012 Chapter treasurer, Fred Petrella - 2012 Chapter president-elect, Jack Lynch and Jeff Ryer - 2012 region vice president.


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