Chairman's message: Lots going on this October

November 19, 2007 - Construction Design & Engineering

Doug Hunter

Next year is ABC's 40th anniversary. We should be proud of the strides that we have made and continue to make in the construction industry. We are the builders of hospitals, schools, power plants and technology centers. We are accomplishing and engaging in more events and programs in 2007 than in years past. Thinking about my chairman's message over the past few days, I realize that the most important thing I do is to update you on fall activities.
At the beginning of the month, the Patriots kicker, Steve Gostkowski came to ABC. It was a beautiful night and he dazzled us with his talent. He was an engaging speaker and over 100 members were in attendance. I love to see members become reacquainted with one another and remind themselves just why they are ABC members. Four games into the season, the Patriots remain undefeated. We will continue rooting for Steve and the team. Go Pats!!
October 2nd marked the beginning of our annual membership drive. ABC pulls together to get more members which equals more clout. Any help that you could offer would be greatly appreciated. Remember that each new member could present a new job for your company. The drive does not end until the first week in November so there is still time to recruit!!
In mid-October, ABC will host the 2008 planning conference. This is when we outline what has been classified as our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT). This year, our conference will be in Newport, R.I. Please know that if you are unable to attend, we would still like to hear from you. We value your input. Please stay engaged, as we will continue to be as busy in the coming months.
At the end of the month, ABC will host a Developer's Night in Waltham, Mass. with prominent developers from the Boston area. The event will focus on a panel discussion and we anticipate a valuable question and answer period. This is an opportunity for you to meet with leading developers and hear about new trends in the industry.
As I mentioned in last month's column, ABC will be moving to a new location in the Burlington area. The lease has been signed and construction has begun on the new digs at 200 Wheeler Rd. The move is scheduled for the weekend of November 16-17th. This unanticipated expense will put a strain on our finances. To help defray costs, we are establishing the "Wall of Fame." The wall will be in the foyer of the new office space and will be the first thing that visitors and guests see upon their arrival. For $250, you can be a part of the wall. You will distinguish yourself by having your company name etched into a brick which is part of the wall. Look for information in the coming months.
The BMS task force continues to meet. The billboard has been raised at the Rte. 24/I-95 interchange. The media has now picked up on our campaign. Pieces have run in The Patriot Ledger and The Boston Business Journal highlighting the positives of the campaign.
We certainly have a busy October ahead, there are plenty of chances to be involved in all that we accomplish. We need each member to pitch in and help us realize the goals that we have set for ourselves. I look forward to seeing each of you throughout the next month.

Doug Hunter is the chairman of Associated Builders and Contractors, Mass. Chapter, Burlington.


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