City of Cambridge Chamber of Commerce

November 06, 2008 - Spotlights

Kelly Thompson Clark

Michael O'Connell

Cambridge Chamber of Commerce website

Welcome to Cambridge! Often called the most entrepreneurial place on earth, our city has a rich history of dedication, diversity and development.
Whether you reflect on the fact that much of our country's progress began in Cambridge over 350 years ago or you focus on the discoveries and business ideas developed in our city today, one cannot deny that it comes down to the people.
The people are what make Cambridge tick. The small business owner who is the true backbone of any community; the consultant or entrepreneur who developed his product or service in the halls of one of our amazing colleges or universities and then spun it into the next big idea; the nonprofit that changes the lives of people on a daily basis; and lest we not forget, the community partners we have in our larger organizations. These globally known leaders in business, education, science, design and technology are primary drivers of the economic engine of Mass. and beyond.
In the following pages you will meet some of the individuals behind the walls of our great institutions, businesses and shops. The pulse of our community: the innovators; the educators; and the entrepreneurs.
We invite you to Cambridge. Experience the wealth of knowledge, the breadth of opportunity; and the heart of our city.

Kelly Thompson Clark is president and CEO and Michael O'Connell is the chairman of the Cambridge Chamber of Commerce.


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