Conn. Chapter of A.I. holds seminar Dec. 1st

December 02, 2008 - Connecticut
Realizing the importance of keeping its members up to date on new valuation techniques to measure value in the current economic environment, the Connecticut Chapter of the Appraisal Institute held Analyzing Properties in Distressed Real Estate Markets with week at the Inn at Middletown. The workshop was presented by James MacCrate, MAI, SRA. The three-hour seminar was designed to benefit real estate appraisers, lenders and brokers in their review and analysis of distressed real estate. The seminar also examined the relationship between entrepreneurial incentive, debt, and investment risk and value in today's real estate market.
100% attendance was required for CE. Approved for three hours of Appraisal Institute & State of Connecticut Appraisal Commission CE. Application pending for Real Estate Salespersons & Brokers CE.

A Holiday Social/Installation of Officers and Directors was held after the seminar with hors d'oeuvres, including pasta and carving stations, door prizes, education vouchers and publictions.


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