Milford, CT The Connecticut/Western Massachusetts chapter of SIOR extends a warm thanks to Frosty Smith, CCIM, SIOR, for opening up his home and hosting a networking event exclusively for CCIM Connecticut and Connecticut/Western Massachusetts chapter members and sponsors. Lots of laughs were shared and deal making from many of the top brokers, developers, and industry professionals; while enjoying a beautiful summer night. Peter D’addeo contributed home-made wine for all in attendance to enjoy.
In Frosty fashion, he surprised us all with an ice cream truck compliments of Walnut Beach Creamery.
Thank you to everyone who attended. We are looking forward to seeing members and sponsors again soon on October 13 at Essex Yacht Club, for more networking and induction of our newest slate of chapter officers.
The Society of Industrial and Office Realtors is the leading professional office and industrial real estate association. With 3,600 members in 45 countries and 722 cities, SIOR represents today’s most knowledgeable, experienced, and successful commercial real estate brokerage specialists. The SIOR designation stands unchallenged for excellence in the performance of real estate services and is universally recognized as the prerequisite in the selection of a commercial real estate broker, agent, or consultant.
Please visit the Chapter’s website (www.siorct.com) to find additional information on the Connecticut/Western Massachusetts Chapter, Chapter members, and upcoming events. Should you have questions or interest in the requirements and benefits of becoming an SIOR and joining the Connecticut/Western Massachusetts Chapter, please contact John Reed, SIOR at 860.987.4788.