Deep River, CT Due to the ongoing pandemic, the Connecticut Society of Civil Engineers (CSCE) did not have an in-person Achievement in Civil Engineering (ACE) Awards ceremony in 2020. Instead, CSCE recognized the achievements of the following Connecticut civil engineering projects, companies, and individuals virtually on September 15th, 2020. CSCE plans to hold the in-person ceremony in conjunction with its 2021 ACE Awards event.
Construction Value >$20m
2020 ACE Award: The Mattabassett Regionalization Pump Station Project. Applicant: Tighe and Bond. Middletown’s Regionalization Project replaced an aging water pollution control facility with a new pump station and force main. This will improve Long Island Sound water quality and allow for redevelopment of the city’s Connecticut River waterfront.
2020 Merit Award: Gateway Commons-Costco Development & I-95 Ramp/Rte. 161 Improvements. Applicant: BL Companies, Inc.
Construction Value <$20m, >$5m
2020 ACE Award: Short-term Control Plan Improvements for Cost Effective Combined Sewer Overflow Reduction. Applicant: Greater New Haven Water Pollution Control Authority (GNHWPCA). GNHWPCA implemented a program of analysis, design & construction that resulted in a 40% reduction in CSOs at a cost of less than $1 per gallon of CSO reduction per year.
2020 Merit Award: Superstructure Replacement of US Route 1 over I-95. Applicant: WSP USA Inc.
2020 Merit Award: I-95 Over Oxford St. Design Build. Applicant: GM2 Associates Inc.
Construction Value <$5m
2020 ACE Award: South Benson Marina Dredging & Beach Nourishment Project. Applicant: RACE Coastal Engineering
The Town of Fairfield, CT, contracted with RACE Coastal Engineering to conduct hydraulic marina/channel dredging of the South Benson Marina and repurpose material from the project for nourishment of nearby Jennings Beach.
2020 Merit Award: Emergency Culvert Replacement: CTDOT PROJ #0096-0207. Applicant: Siefert Associates, LLC
Employer of the Year: CHA Consulting (CHA)
Educator of the Year: Byungik Chang, Ph.D., P.E., LEED Green Associate, M. ASCE, University of New Haven
Young Engineer of the Year: Brian Eastman, P.E.
President’s Award: Amy Petrone
Benjamin Wright Award: Rabih Barakat, P.E.
Earlier in 2020, CSCE announced the following slate of Executive Board Officers for 2020-2021:
President - George Gerard, P.E., WSP USA
President-elect - Brianna Maljanian, P.E., WSP USA
Vice president - Scott Nolan, E.I.T., Milone & MacBroom
Secretary – Clayton Patterson, P.E., Langan
Treasurer - Aaron Foster, P.E., CHA Consulting, Inc.
Newsletter Editor – Tim Ariosto, P.E., WJE New Haven
Director I - Benjamin Cote, P.E., Aero Aggregates of North America, LLC
Director II - David Chapman, P.E., Blakeslee Arpaia Chapman, Inc.
CSCE is the result of a merger of two organizations that occurred in 1981. The Connecticut Society of Civil Engineers was founded in 1884, while the Connecticut Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers was founded in 1919. In 1958, the Section had 523 members. In 1955 (the nearest comparable year for reliable numbers), the Society had 1,033 members. The two organizations met separately until they merged in 1981, by mutual vote of membership, to become the Connecticut Society of Civil Engineers Section of American Society of Civil Engineers or CSCE.