Branford, CT On December 12, 2016, The Connecticut/Western Massachusetts chapter of The Society of Industrial and Office Realtors (SIOR) held its winter holiday meeting and dinner at The Stony Creek Brewery on the Branford River. Forty-two members and guests were in attendance; including the SIOR regional director for the northeast region, Dennis Hennessy of COR Brokerage, Inc., Syracuse, N.Y. and The New York/Downstate chapter president Gabriel Silverstein, of Angelic Real Estate, NYC.
The chapter would like to thank Zuvic, Carr and Associates for generously sponsoring this event, and specifically to Bob Carr for updating the chapter on environmental regulatory issues that affect real estate transactions in Conn. Several of the chapter sponsors attended the event including Elizabeth Kontomerkos and Rick Chiapetta of Bank of America, Mark Cousineau of the Community Investment Corp., Doug Kenyon and Phil Clark of Claris
Construction and Dan De Clerq of the De Clerq Office Group.
The chapter also thanked outgoing president Frank Hird, of OR & L Realtors, for his service over the past two years where he met each responsibility and challenge with unrelenting enthusiasm. Through Hird’s leadership, the chapter attained legal and financial compliance with SIOR’s new national standards. As one of the Tri-state chapters sponsoring the recent World Conference held in NYC, its overwhelming success was due to the commitment of several leaders including Hird.