Twitter? Do you mean that website that's full of teenagers and celebrity gossip? Yes, actually I do! Twitter may have some downfalls, but when used correctly, it can be a business platform that is useful beyond belief. Surprisingly, Twitter is a rising key factor in the commercial real estate (CRE) industry. It's a simple website to master and an excellent way to step into the social media world. So follow along and get ready to tweet your heart out.
My first recommendation is to sign up! Try it out, ask friends for help and research. You will catch on and once you have the basics down, it only gets better. Instead of just using it, you can start actually using it to benefit your business.
There are a few key attributes that make Twitter relevant to CRE. For instance, in the CRE industry you want your news published and published fast, right? Twitter gives you that "hot off the press" feeling. If you recently closed a major transaction, you want to celebrate and get the word out. Twitter is the place. Let your clients, co-workers and competitors hear the news and boost your reputation all by the click of a mouse.
Want others who aren't directly connected with you to hear the news too? Post your tweet with the #CRE hash-tag. Hash-tags are created by putting # in front of a word. So, now #CRE becomes a link. When clicked, this will bring you to a chat room of #CRE tweets. This means you can let other Commercial Real Estate professionals hear your news. It's a great way to broaden your exposure and gain hundreds of new connections. You can even connect with others in the #insurance, #brokerage or #construction industries as well! On top of all this, you can start following others in the industry and their updates. Now you will have a constant flow of news, articles and useful information!
The benefits are endless. Who would willingly opt out of efficient and free publicity, consistent industry news updates and new business connections? You would be crazy! So its time to stop talking about Twitter, and get started! Dedicate some time to discovering how to use this tool to your advantage, you'll never regret it. Join in on the tweets and I look forward to meeting you there!
Contact me at @sabrinaeandrews or [email protected] for help or more information.
Sabrina Andrews is the Marketing Director with the NEREJ Tech Team, Norwell, Mass.