Daniel Riley Senior Project Manager

June 05, 2008 - Northern New England

Daniel Riley

Name: Daniel Riley
Title: Senior Project Manager
Company: Sebago Technics, Inc.
Location: Westbrook, Maine
Place of Birth and Year: Hartford, Conn. 1968
Family: Wife (Melissa) - Sons (Brian & Liam)
College: Villanova University - 1991
First Job Unrelated to your current field: Farm Hand - Simsbury, Conn.
First Job in current field: Survey Rod Man - Denver International Airport
What does your firm do now and what are its plans for the future?: Multi-disciplinary civil engineering firm serving both land development and municipal clients in northern New England.
Hobbies: Fishing and coaching kids sports
Favorite novel: The Killer Angles
Favorite film: Raising Arizona
Keys to success: Listen, be prepared and be on time
If you had to chose a different profession, what would it be?: Owning a fly shop or being a fishing guide


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