Robert McSorley Senior Project Manager

June 05, 2008 - Northern New England

Robert McSorley

Name: Robert McSorley
Title: Senior Project Manager
Company: Sebago Technics, Inc.
Location: One Chabot Street - Westbrook, Maine
Place of Birth and Year: Waterville, Maine 1962
Family: Wife (Denise) - Sons (Hugh, Hayden & Heath)
College: Florida Atlantic University (1995)
First job unrelated to your current field: Waiter at the Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach, Florida
First job in current field: Blue Print Technician/Courier
What does your firm do now and what are its plans for the future?: Multi-disciplinary civil engineering firm serving both public and private clients in northern New England.
Hobbies: Landscaping, family time & enjoying Maine
Favorite novel: Anything written by John Steinbeck or Charles Dickens
Favorite film: The Big Chill
Keys to success: Perseverance, hard work and a lot of people pulling for me.
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): Best friend: Robert Lavine, the Szuka family and Joe Ryan
If you had to chose a different profession, what would it be?: Landscaper or working outdoors


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