Name: Deborah Black-Mendelsohn
Title: Director of Marketing and Business Development
Company: Adam Construction Company
Location: Newton, MA
Place of birth: Boston
College: Emory University, Babson College MBA
Family: My husband Al and two sons, Frank and David
First job unrelated to your current field: Assistant food buyer, BJs Wholesale Club
First job related to your field: Assistant property manager, Combined Properties, Inc.
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? Adam Construction is a respected player in the field of construction management, design/build and general contracting of retail, commercial and residential properties. Adam will continue to focus on delivering quality construction with precision, cost control and dependability.
Hobbies: Skiing, speed walking, decorating sweets with chocolate (Dip-Itz)
Favorite film: Return of the Titans
Keys to success: Uncompromising, high standards for quality, craftsmanship and service in every phase and aspect of a project while respecting the client's vision, preferences and budget.