Danvers, MA Hancock Associates, a leading provider of land surveying, civil engineering and wetland science services, is proud to announce that Anthony Donato, P.E., LEED AP, Katherine Cruz, P.E., LEED AP, David Cowell, PWS, CWB, CESSWI, CERP, and Matthew Magee, project surveyor have been promoted to associates at the firm.

Donato is the regional office manager for Hancock’s Boston division of H.W. Moore. He has nearly 30 years of experience with a long history of permitting in retail and residential developments throughout New England. Donato is responsible for business development, financial management, staff oversight and project management and has a broad range of project experience including residential subdivisions, mixed-use developments, quick-serve restaurants, K-12 and higher education projects from conceptual design stage through construction. He has a B.S. in Civil Engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute and is a Professional Civil Engineer in MA, NH and RI, a licensed Soil Evaluator and LEED AP certified.

Cruz is a project manager in Hancock’s Danvers civil engineering department. During her eight years at the firm, she has built a proven track record of successfully guiding projects through all aspects of land development from conceptual design to permitting, construction and as-built certification. Cruz works on large and small projects including commercial, residential, recreational, industrial, mixed-use and healthcare developments in both urban and rural areas. She has a B.S. in Civil Engineering from Syracuse University. She is a Professional Civil Engineer in MA and NH, a licensed Soil Evaluator and LEED AP certified.

Cowell is a project manager and senior wetland scientist and has been with Hancock’s Marlborough office for over six years. He has over 20 years of experience providing wetland, wildlife and ecological consulting services in both the private and public sectors in support of projects in land development, energy/utilities and transportation industries. Cowell has performed wetland delineations, peer review, expert witness testimony, wetland replication design, vernal pool characterization, rare plant and animal surveys and conservation permitting as well as construction monitoring and environmental compliance and inspection services. He has experience with federal, state and local regulations such as the Clean Water Act (CWA), National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), MA Wetlands Protection Act (WPA), MA Environmental Policy Act (MEPA), MA Endangered Species Act (MESA), as well as local bylaws. Cowell has a M.S. in Environmental Management (Ecology) from the University of San Francisco and a B.S. in Wildlife and Fisheries Conservation from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He is a Professional Wetland Scientist, Certified Wildlife Biologist, Certified Erosion, Sediment and Stormwater Inspector and Certified Ecological Restoration Practitioner.

Magee is a project surveyor with almost 20 years of experience in the land surveying department at Hancock. He has a broad knowledge of the technical and legal aspects of surveying projects and is responsible for the coordination of utility, residential, commercial and municipal projects including client contact, briefing field crews, conducting research, calculations and the preparation of final plans and associated documents. Magee is also responsible for CAD operations, calculations and field crew automation for the duration of various survey projects. He has a B.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of Massachusetts, Lowell and is an Engineer in Training (E.I.T.). Matt lives in Newbury, Massachusetts.
“Tony, Katie, Dave and Matt have all made significant contributions to the success and growth of Hancock,” said Hancock Associates’ president Wayne Jalbert. “They bring a diverse set of talent to Hancock’s ownership team. I am proud to see their growth. They embody the motto “great things ahead!”