Cambridge Savings Bank
Cambridge, MA East Cambridge Savings Bank president and chief executive officer Gilda Nogueira has been named president of the Federal Reserve Community Depository Institutions Advisory Council (CDIAC) for the 2018 term. The CDIAC is a group of community bankers that provides updates to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors on economic, lending and employment conditions in their respective region of the country. Nogueira will represent the six New England states on the council and provide vital feedback on issues of importance to community and locally based banks.
Looking forward to the year ahead, Nogueira said, “I’m honored to serve as president of the Community Depository Institutions Advisory Council for the 2018 term. Locally based banks like East Cambridge Savings Bank have a keen understanding of the economic and employment conditions in the cities and towns they serve. The insight and knowledge of community bankers are crucial to the Federal Reserve’s decision making process.”
Established in 2010 by the board of governors, the CDIAC meets with the Federal Reserve Board twice a year in Washington, DC.
Prior to her appointment as president of the council, Nogueira served as vice president for the 2017 term.