Edward Fennell Building Science Division Manager - ATC Associates Inc.

November 26, 2007 - Connecticut

Edward Fennell

Name: Edward Fennell
Title: Building Science Division Manager
Company: ATC Associates Inc.
Location: 290 Roberts St., Suite 204, East Hartford, Conn
Place of birth and year: Lowell, Mass., 1947
Family: Wife and children
College: B.S. Civil Engineering, Merrimack, North Andover, Mass.
What to you do now and what are you planning for the future? Manage a team of building sciences - industrial hygiene, asbestos, IAQ, lead and mold services to the public/education sectors. Performs property condition assessments for developers, financial and real estate sectors.
Hobbies: Photography
Key to success: Hard work
If you were forced to choose another vocation, what would it be: Explorer


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