John Mahoney Business Development Manager - ATC Associates Inc.

November 26, 2007 - Connecticut

John Mahoney

Name: John Mahoney
Title: Business Development Manager
Company: ATC Associates Inc.
Location: 290 Roberts St., East Hartford, Conn.
Birthplace and year: Boston, 1965
Family: Wife, 3 sons
First job in real estate or allied field: 20 years experience in environmental industry managing large-scale marine and land emergency responses of chemical and petroleum products. Environmental project manager.
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future?Currently manage key client accounts, interface with customers and build relationships and develop business. Would like to continue growing in the environmental industry.
Hobbies: Cycling, walking, hiking, football
Favorite book: "Trump - The Art of the Come Back"
Favorite movie: "Uncle Buck"
Person you most emulate (outside of family): Tom Brady
Key to success: Stay focused and honest
If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? NFL coach


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