Edward Riekstins 2010

April 06, 2010 - Financial Digest

Edward Riekstins President Q10 | New England Realty Resources

Name: Edward Riekstins
Title: President
Company: Q10 | New England Realty Resources
Location: Ten Winthrop Sq., Suite 100, Boston
Place of Birth and Year: Rochester, N.Y., 1963
Family: Wife Deby, Children, Adam (11), Troy (9), and Katrina (5)
College: Boston University - Business Management; Bentley College - MBA
First job outside of finance: Bartender at Bay Tower Room
First job in finance or allied field: Financial Analyst at Coldwell Banker
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Commercial loan origination (there are signs of life out there), debt markets are coming back; property management for life insurance companies, consulting.
Hobbies: Time with family, soccer, skiing, workout
Favorite book: "The Go-Giver" by Bob Burg
Person you most emulate (outside of family): Dan Taylor, strategic coach
Key to success: Perseverance
If you were forced to choose another vocation what would it be? Acquisitions and investment in real estate.


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