Rich Epstein, the corporate trainer at Residential Properties Ltd., taught a seminar on social media at the Rhode Island Association of Realtor's second annual Technology Day, held at the New England Institute of Technology campus on June 21. Recently designated the "Tech Savvy Agent" by the Greater Providence Board of Realtors, Epstein participated in the event for the second year in a row, and made his presentation to three different groups throughout the day.
The crux of the class centered on how we are a society of groups, and how social media allows us to be included in group dynamics. People want to do business with two kinds of people: 1) people they know 2) people they feel are like themselves. That is why social media is such a powerful tool for Realtors, as well as any other business that relies on peer to peer referrals.
Social media has more to do with basic human instincts than technology and youth. It allows agents to develop and communicate with their sphere of influence.
"You only get referrals if clients remember you are still alive and continuing to provide great service" said Epstein. "That's probably the one thing Realtors fail at as a whole. Keeping in touch." Social media allows them to have an executable, affordable plan to do so.