Fernanda Alves Architectural Designer BL Companies

November 19, 2008 - Connecticut

Fernanda Alves

Name: Fernanda Alves
Title: Architectural Designer
Company: BL Companies
Location: Meriden/Hartford
Birthplace: Brazil
Family: Single
College: Wentworth Institute of Technology
First job outside of real estate: Family business - Alpha & Omega Home Improvement & Cleaning LLC, Old Saybrook, Conn.
First job in real estate or allied field: Richard King Architects, Old Saybrook, Conn.
What your firm does now and its plans for the future: We have diversified our business, taking advantage of all active markets. Our family of professionals providing integrated services continues to create a diverse group of clients establishing successful business growth and development in all markets for present and future.
Hobbies: Soccer
Favorite book: "Snow Falling on Cedars" by David Guterson
Favorite movie: "Erin Brockovich"
Person you admire most (outside of family): Jesus is the one I admire the most. A beautiful character; he gives me strength to fight for what is right and just.
Keys to success: In the midst of traffic, hold steady, do not panic, follow your course, and let faith carry you through. Before you know it, you will have reached your destination.
If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? I would be an engineer, providing international humanitarian services.


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