Sylvia Perdikis Manager - Landscape Architecture Department BL Companies

November 19, 2008 - Connecticut

Sylvia Perdikis

Name: Sylvia Athina Perdikis, RLA
Title: Manager - Landscape Architecture Department
Company: BL Companies
Location: Meriden, Conn.
Birthplace: United Kingdom
College: Skidmore College - Saratoga Springs, N.Y.
First job outside of real estate: Production assistant/office manager/Go-to gal for a live event production company
First job in real estate or allied field: Landscape architect intern at a prominent A/E firm
What your firm does now and its plans for the future: As one component at an engineering and architectural firm, the Landscape Architecture Department has developed from primarily providing support to BL's various disciplines in developing a standalone client base within target markets, oriented around small and large scale planning, streetscape and specialty designs. Projects range from detailed ornamental planting plans and park master plans, to sustainable environments such as the development of green roofs and rain gardens.
Person you admire most (outside of family): Warren Buffet
Keys to success: Communication, balance and always striving to exceed expectations (your own and others)


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