Gail Witham 2010

March 24, 2010 - Green Buildings

Gail Witham, American Capital Energy

Name: Gail Witham
Title: VP of Marketing
Company: American Capital Energy
Location: North Chelmsford, MA
Place of Birth: Massachusetts
Family: All grown, successful and living in New England
College: Boston
First job unrelated to your current field: Selling Girl Scout cookies
First job in current field: Credit Manager for a national Drug Wholesaler
What your firm does now and its plans for the future: American Capital Energy is a national solar electric design and engineering company. Our tremendous growth and expansion may someday propel us into going public; numerous corporate options will develop in the future. At present we seek to help green America with Solar Electric projects that will provide quick ROI for clients and help green the planet with lower carbon emissions and reduced waste of fossil fuels.
Keys to success: Being patient, polite and professional helps one to LISTEN, exchange thoughts ideas and options with clients and WILLINGLY doing what you say you will do with integrity and consideration is essential.


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