Great content gets more distribution - by Chuck Sink

June 18, 2021 - Front Section
Chuck Sink

When you produce a fantastic marketing piece based on an excellent value concept – a video, custom photo gallery, a song, a story, website redesign or full blown ad campaign, you will find a way to get it in front of more people. Why? Because when something is fantastic, you are enthusiastic. Your enthusiasm gives you more energy to spread your message!

The quality and value behind a great message produced with excellence will make broadcasting it an imperative. Your excitement and eagerness – your imperious urge for the message to be seen and heard will propel you to roll it out however you possibly can to the right audiences.

Re-energize Your Sales
Think about the times you’ve invested in a marketing campaign and really liked how the designs and executions came out. Now think about the opposite; when all of your marketing materials were dated and fading in relevance or outshined by competitors’ campaigns. In the first case, you can hardly contain your enthusiasm to promote your message but in the latter case, you hesitate to even use what you have.

Is it time to reenergize your marketing content to increase your drive to seize more opportunities? Put excellence into your marketing efforts. Then let your enthusiasm for the superior messaging drive you to promote your offerings through every feasible channel.

One Great Video
Very often, it only takes one great video. A sometimes-overlooked asset is the vast gallery of excellent still shots that a premium high def video production also yields. These can be used across the internet and even in some print applications. A great video is the anchor piece for many-a-refreshed marketing campaign.

One video shoot with a good director and camera operator can equip you for great marketing executions you’ll be doing for years!

Always remember that a guy with a phone won’t cut it when it comes to making a video that displays the quality of your properties. Committing to a day of professional video photography is one of the best investments you can make for your business.

Create images and messages so great that your enthusiasm to share them will be unstoppable!

Chuck Sink is the founder and CEO of Chuck Sink Link, Sunapee, N.H.



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