Town of Berlin
How many years have you been in your current field? 15
What was your company’s greatest achievement of 2018? The opening of Forrest Machine, an aerospace component manufacturer who constructed a brand new 55,000 s/f facility on Christian Ln. in Berlin. The project included the first 7-year tax abatement in the town’s history as well as over 70 great paying jobs there.
What is the most exciting job/project for your company in 2019? The proposed mixed-use development on a town-owned parcel of land near the Berlin Train Station. The proposed plan would include market rate apartments, retail, restaurants and medical office.
What do you like the most about doing business in the Hartford Region? The comradery that is in place with the economic development professionals in the area. We are technically competitors, but we work incredibly well together in both problem-solving, sharing great ideas and working for the “greater good” in Connecticut.
What is the forecast for your company’s industry in Hartford Region going forward? The forecast for 2019 is that we will continue to see growth of our core industries including the utility sector, manufacturing, technical services and food and entertainment. The biggest unknown right now is the recent leadership changes in Hartford and how that will affect us at the local level.
What Hartford Region networking opportunities does your business participate in? SIOR, 3 different Chambers of Commerce, MetroHartford Alliance events, International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC), CCM and more.