Have a happy and prosperous New Year! - by Ronald Godin

December 18, 2015 - Connecticut


Ron Goodin, BOMA Greater Hartford Ron Goodin, BOMA Greater Hartford

I’m still recovering from being stuffed with turkey. If you were crazy enough to venture out, did you survive the melee during Black Friday? As the holiday season has begun, we hear festive music in the air and see Christmas trees secured to car roofs, heading home to be decorated. I watched “It’s a wonderful Life,” a family tradition my kids even look forward to and decorating my home was much more pleasant this year, due to the near 70 degree temps outside and “free” labor from my son. It certainly has been a nice weather pattern overall. Unfortunately, our HVAC systems are not sure what season it really is, hopefully not leading to many tenant complaints.

December is typically the time to take stock of your past year. Was your business dealings better or was it worse? I think most people might say business, and the economy overall, is slightly better. To get there, we’re definitely working harder. More of our proposals are actually leading to projects instead of getting stalled in the client’s budgetary process. Hopefully the region manages to return to somewhere near the pace of growth and prosperity needed and we get through the upcoming elections with some purpose and direction. Enough said about politics.

The Hartford area holiday party season was kicked off by BOMA on December 3rd, with our annual soirée at City Steam in Hartford, a new venue for us. While enjoying handcrafted beers and tasty plates of food, we collected numerous “Toys for Tots.” I always look forward to a large pile being picked up by very humble and appreciative Marines. BOMA is very proud of our member’s generous donations, which will make a merrier Christmas for the youth of Greater Hartford.

For 2016, your Hartford BOMA has a very exciting spring and summer agenda of monthly meetings, sport outings and classes planned. As always, we thank our numerous and generous sponsors. Please check our website and look for the mailers as they are finalized.

Remember to savor the time with your family and friends over the next few hectic weeks, for those moments are so important. Get rejuvenated…and get involved.

Have a happy and prosperous New Year!

Ron Goodin is the president of BOMA Greater Hartford, and is with Fletcher Thompson Architects, Hartford, Conn.



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