Healthcare Innovators forum held April 24

May 16, 2013 - Connecticut
On April 24, several innovators in the field of healthcare and healthcare financing presented to a group of mid-sized business leaders at The Hartford Club. Healthcare Innovators, An Employer Focused Forum was sponsored by Fiberoptics Technology, Inc. and aimed to offer business leaders new ideas to integrate into their business model and some healthcare management tactics to consider.
The first speaker at the event, Dr. Murray Buttner of Quiet Corner Family Practice, relayed his experience working as a physician within a large medical practice and why he decided to leave that business model. Dr. Buttner now works as a direct primary care physician, also known as concierge medicine, and treats patients according to a traditional "family doctor" model. Dr. Buttner described today's health insurance market as "pre-paid" healthcare, a system that is not working for the patients or the doctors within that system.
Eric Thompson, founder of Blue Back, LLC, spoke to the coming changes of healthcare reform and how they will impact the individuals within the healthcare market, the risk pool of the insurance carriers and ultimately what this means for mid-sized businesses. While some employers may be considering "quitting health insurance," said Thompson, there are many important factors to consider before making the leap to opt out entirely. Thompson encouraged the business leaders present to contemplate how that could impact their workforce and business. "Will (quitting insurance) disrupt your business and hinder the retention of top talent?" Thompson asked. He closed his presentation with some alternative options to consider, such as different funding arrangements for small groups and the use of private exchanges.
The final event speaker, Sharon Gauthier RN/BSN/CCM, founder of Patient Advocate For You, explained how her organization helps to bridge the gap between the patient, their doctor and their families. Gauthier's business aims to provide an advocate for patients, primarily in the senior market, to help coordinate care and ensure they are receiving the highest level of care possible with minimal disconnect between all parties. Gauthier discussed how seasoned nurses are the best positioned to become patient advocates due to their knowledge of the system, their training to be "patient focused" and their ability to speak the language of healthcare. Gauthier relayed that having an advocate involved in patient care can ultimately lead to less hospitalizations, better overall health and as a result, more productive employees and less healthcare costs to a business.
A panel discussion, moderated by former Fox 61 anchor Susan Christensen, followed the presentations. During the forum, business leaders were able to engage each of the speakers with questions relative to their own concerns about healthcare.
Healthcare Innovators. An Employer Focused Forum is the first in a series of events designed to bring cutting edge information on healthcare and healthcare financing to mid-sized employers. The next forum is scheduled for the week of June 10th and will present some new and alternative options to how employers can structure their benefits offering for their employees.


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