Boston, MA HED has promoted Dennis Julian, PE, ATD, DCEP to principal.
This promotion, as well as elevations of several employees to associate principal and associate mark the close of a strong year for the firm. In 2019, HED added over 70 new staff and new metro locations in Boston and Dallas through mergers with Puchlik Design Associates (PDA) and Integrated Design Group (ID Group).
“The promotion of these individuals reflects the continued growth of our firm,” said HED CEO Peter Devereaux, FAIA. “As we continue to evolve as an organization, increasing in both size and offerings, the responsibility of these individuals has grown to match, and has been integral to the success of our mission of Advancing the World of our clients and communities. Their commitment to building powerful client relationships, delivering innovative work, and creating positive impact has been, and continues to be, indispensable to our success as a firm.”
Julian, mission critical / data center specialist, is an electrical engineer and MEPFP subject matter expert with over thirty years of focused depth of knowledge in data center design. He has worked with many hyperscale, wholesale, co-location and enterprise clients across the country. An original contributor to the ANSI/BICSI-002 Standard for Data Center Design and Implementation best practices, Julian continues to contribute during the regular update cycles. His expertise leads HED’s growing mission critical and data center teams, adding technical sophistication to the firm’s integrated design methodology to deliver superior results in data center design.