IREM launches online course on Sustainable Real Estate Management

June 17, 2009 - Connecticut
The Institute of Real Estate Management, committed to supporting real estate management strategies that advance an environmentally sustainable and economically prosperous future, has just launched on online course titled Sustainable Real Estate Management (SRM001). The course focuses on common sense, cost-effective ways to meet owner, tenant, and resident demand for "green" real estate and increase a property's NOI through sustainable real estate management techniques. Requiring approximately six hours to complete, it is self-guided and features open enrollment, enabling individuals to begin and return to it at any time.
Developed by Experts for Diverse Audience
The course was created by IREM in collaboration with subject matter experts with demonstrated success in managing commercial and multifamily properties that meet and exceed both budgetary and sustainability goals. The diverse audience it was designed to benefit includes on-site real estate managers, leasing consultants, maintenance technicians, regional and corporate real estate management executives, and property vendors.

Eligible for Credit toward NAR's Green Designation
The course is eligible for elective credit toward the National Association of Realtors (NAR) Green Designation. Those interested in earning this designation must be active members of NAR (either as a Realtor or Institute Affiliate member) and maintain membership in the Green Resource Council (, founded by the Real Estate Buyer's Agent Council (REBAC), a NAR subsidiary, to broadly disseminate knowledge about green real estate practices.
Key topics the course addresses include:
* Sustainable property operations
* Increasing energy efficiency
* Increasing water efficiency
* Improving indoor environmental quality
* How to reduce, reuse and recycle
* The sustainable real estate management company

Tuition for Sustainable Real Estate Management online, is $125 for IREM-designated CPM, ARM, and ACoM Members; also, CPM Candidates, and AMO firm employees. Course tuition for IREM Associate, Student and Academic Members as well as non-members is $155. In addition to the online version, the course will be offered by IREM chapters in a classroom setting in the near future. For more information and to register, visit or phone (800) 837-0706, Ext. 4650.


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