IREM President’s Message: 2017 Chapter Goals - by Peter Lewis

December 23, 2016 - Owners Developers & Managers
Schochet.jpg">Schochet.jpg" alt="" width="200" height="250" /> Peter Lewis, The Schochet Cos.

The Institute of Real Estate Management BostonMetropolitan Chapter #4 is currently the largest chapter in the world. The chapter’s strategic plan outlined below will focus on the advancement of the profession of real estate management while helping real estate managers prosper and add value to their companies and the properties they manage. Through educational offerings, membership outreach, and a targeted marketing strategy, the Boston Chapter will, to the best of its ability, solidify IREM as the industry authority.

In 2017, IREM Boston Metropolitan Chapter #4 will focus its efforts on critical local and national industry issues identified by IREM headquarters. Through our monthly  membership meetings, educational seminars, community outreach and new technology we will offer members the most current information affecting our industry. The core message to our members must be the importance of education in our industry. As professional real estate managers, chapter leaders have a responsibility to provide offerings that will allow our members to best serve their clients. I believe the strategic plan outlined below will support that goal.

2017 Chapter Goals

1. Chapter & Membership Growth Initiative:  In 2017 the IREM Boston Metropolitan Chapter #4 will implement the following strategies to encourage chapter growth:

A. Continue the practice of participating in relevant industry trade shows throughout the year.

B. Continue to foster an internship program.

C. Use social media and industry trade publications to advertise the value of IREM credentials, education, and membership events at a local and national level.

D. Submit articles on relevant industry issues in trade publications such as the New England Real Estate Journal, Boston Business Journal, etc.

E. Align with Boston area colleges and students focusing on a career in real estate management to discuss the benefits of an IREM education and professional credentials in a competitive industry as well as offer information about available IREM scholarships.

F. Organize ODIE visits to encourage companies to educate their employees.

2. IREM Boston Metropolitan Chapter #4 will support the core value of IREM National by continuing to offer the educational tracks throughout the year that attract both young professionals and seasoned managers to participate by:

a. Offering seminars on relevant industry issues.

b. Core course offerings throughout the year that provide multiple opportunities for student participation.

c. The board will review members’ educational standings and initiate outreach plans to encourage completion of the educational tracks to obtain IREM professional credentials.

d. Encourage AMO designated companies to standardize important forms and documents through the use of IREM website.

3. Utilize the IREM Boston Metropolitan Chapter #4’s strong legislative committee to increase activity on the state level by inviting State Legislators to speak at membership meetings on the “state of the state” as well as continue the practice of an annual membership tour of the Massachusetts/New Hampshire State House.  Host a reception with Legislative Leaders at the Massachusetts State House.

4. IREM Boston Metropolitan Chapter #4 has developed a “Professional Women’s Committee” (WPC) that will present the “Professional Woman of the Year” award to a deserving industry professional that will speak to the membership.

5. IREM Boston Metropolitan Chapter #4 will participate in more community service events in 2017 including a bike ride for the American Diabetes Association – Tour de Cure on June 11 Kennebunk, ME.

6. IREM Boston Metropolitan Chapter #4 will assist the regional chapters with membership participation by planning and executing the 2nd regional Tri State (Rhode Island, Conn. and, Mass.) event in September 2017.

7. IREM Boston Metropolitan Chapter #4 will work to create a Chapter “app” for members to register for events, check educational standings, and pay dues and continue to stay ahead of industry technology that will better serve our members.

8. IREM Boston Metropolitan Chapter #4 goal is to raise a minimum of $5,000 to be donated to a charitable organization (American Diabetes Association to be approved by the golf committee).

9. IREM Boston Metropolitan Chapter #4 has budgeted $1,500 donation to the IREM Foundation in 2017.

Peter Lewis, CPM is the 2017 president of the IREM Boston Metropolitan Chapter #4 and is vice president, property management for The Schochet Cos. AMO, Braintree, Mass.



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