IREM to bring motivational speaker, Marston, to Boston

April 05, 2012 - Owners Developers & Managers

Jonathan Donahue, IREM Boston

As I stated in my January article, one of my goals as chapter president was to provide an educational experience like no other to our members. In light of the goal, IREM-Boston is happy to announce that it has the privilege of providing you with an opportunity of a life time which is to see Cam Marston, a nationally renowned motivational speaker, speak at the Granite Links Golf Club Ball Room in Quincy, Mass. on June 5th. To date, we have sold 140 tickets and have over 18 different management companies registered to see Marston.
Marston is the leading expert on the impact of "generational characteristics and differences in the workplace and the marketplace". Marston's previous clients range from the U.S. Army, General Electric, Prudential, Lincoln Financial Group, PricewaterhouseCoopers and IREM National.
Here is a quick snap-shot of what you can expect to get from hearing Cam speak:
* Describe the characteristics, attitudes, and values of each generation: Baby Boomers, Generation X, GenerationY/Millennials and how to best get them to all work together.
* Discover ways to Gen-Flex in order to solve generational problems in the workplace.
* Determine how a manger's approach may need to change when coaching, managing and retaining employees of different generations.
* Identify specific actions a manager can use to coach, motivate, and get results from each generation.

Marston is coming to Boston to show you how each generation thinks, the values they have and how best to get them all to work together toward a common goal.
Whether you are an owner, developer, investor, employer or an employee, everyone can learn from hearing Marston speak on this topic. I highly encourage you not to miss this won't be disappointed. Please visit the IREM Boston web site today to find out how to register to see Marston speak.
Our monthly luncheon is being held on April 4th at the Four Points Sheraton in Norwood, Mass. The event starts at noon. This luncheon is going to be great as we will be recognizing all of our AMO companies as well as having our guest speaker, senator Brian Joyce who will be speaking about: "Solar Installations In Order To Reduce Electricity Costs At Our Properties."
Lastly, please support the Boston Chapter by submitting your Income/Expense reports. The chapter's goals in each category have been increased in 2012, and I request that anyone interested in submitting data please contact Kelley Hannon in the IREM office and she will help you. Please note that the data submitted is completely anonymous.

Jonathan Donahue, CPM, ARM, is the 2012 president of IREM Boston.


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