The Valentine Group
It has been an honor to serve both the NHCIBOR and NECPE membership, but there is more work to do. While another year has passed, the work never ends.
We must be vigilant to a fault when it comes to regulation, at all levels of government. Bob Quinn, NHAR lobbyist, keeps a watchful eye on proposed legislation at a federal and state level. He is guided by the NHAR Public Policy Committee (PPC), chaired by Mary Truell, with our own Chris Norwood as incoming vice-chair. Congratulations Chris and thank you for serving. In addition to Chris, NHCIBOR’S own Public Policy Committee is well represented in Concord by David Choate,
NHCIBOR liaison, Lynne Bartlett Merrill and Matt Bacon. These
CIBOR members voluntarily give their time to attend the monthly NHAR meetings, and for that we are grateful.
NHCIBOR is ably assisted by our lobbyist, Pat McDermott. Pat works diligently on our behalf. Thank you Pat, for your continued service to NHCIBOR.
At the local level, CIBOR relies on you, the members. We need your “boots on the ground” level of knowledge and activity to keep a watchful eye on local regulations. Proposed zoning changes can greatly impact commercial and residential development. Already sit on your local zoning or planning board, or an economic development council? Thank you for volunteering.
Our Public Policy Committee is looking for a few new members. We meet monthly on the second Thursday of the month at NAI Norwood Group in Bedford. Thank you, Karl and Louise, for hosting.
Interested in supporting public policy, but just can’t make the time? The solution is simple, just write a check to RPAC. We’ll be collecting RPAC checks at the Installation dinner on Thursday night, December 6.
One other major area of concern for NECPE is our database. The landscape is moving and shifting on a pretty consistent and steady basis. The CPE board is tasked with keeping track, and to make sure we are staying ahead of the curve. I would like to thank John Jackman and Dave Lefebvre who have given an inordinate amount of time over the past 10 + years staying abreast of the constant changes. While Dave doesn’t sit on a board, he is always available for questions.
Thank you to outgoing CIBOR board member Wendy Keeler and past president Kathy De Mello. Welcome Deana Arden and Matt Bacon, newest members of the board. Thank you, Matt, for accepting the position of secretary. Thank you, Larry Hirsch, for your years of service as secretary. Thank you, Bill Jean, for retaining the treasurer position.
Thank you to outgoing NECPE board members Brenda Litchfield and Kathy De Mello, past president. Welcome Matt Lefebvre, Chris Pascucci and Andy Ward. Thank you, Matt Bacon, for accepting the position of secretary. Thank you, Larry Hirsch, for your years of service as secretary, and thank you Bill Jean for remaining in the treasurer position.
One final thanks to Doug Martin of Colliers for assuming the reins of president. Hats off to 2019, it will be a great year.
Ralph Valentine is the 2018 president of the NH CIBOR, Bedford, N.H.