John Tourtelotte 2010

February 24, 2010 - Green Buildings

John Tourtelotte

Name: John Tourtelotte
Title: managing director
Company: Rivermoor Energy
Location: Newton, Mass
Place of birth: Springfield, Mass
Family: Married w/ children
College: Georgetown University
First job unrelated to your
current field: Paper route
First job in current field: MCI Communications- Account manager
What your firm does now and its plans for the future: Rivermoor Energy is a development and investment firm specializing in commercial, utility and government solar projects throughout New England. Our plans for the future are continued work in renewable energy and energy effiency and solar energy.
Hobbies: Outdoor sports and time with kids
Keys to success: Hard work and perseverance
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be: Wouldn't change, happy with what I'm doing...


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