Keeping tenants and visitors safe in office buildings - by Rona Siegel

April 15, 2016 - Connecticut
Rona Siegel, Collins Enterprises, LLC Rona Siegel, Collins Enterprises, LLC

Today’s global environment and requirement for stepped up security measures has been increasingly evident since 9/11 (in 2001).   With airports and concert/sporting venues and government buildings reacting immediately, the office building market had only one choice, to catch up to today’s standards to keep tenants and visitors safe. 

In addition, a massive amount of expense has been spent by tenants over the last decade to avoid cyber-attacks or breech of data to company computer systems.

The March 17th luncheon program covered just that topic:  Security:  Your Tenants, Your Building, Your Network.  Our speakers included: Doug Pesce, who serves as the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Advisor (PSA) assigned in Connecticut, supporting Homeland Security efforts by providing advisory and reach-back capacity to the State Homeland Security advisor, as well as municipal entities and private sector and Lyle Lieberman, who is chief operating officer at Janus Associates, is responsible for operations including physical security and logical IT security.

Attendees were briefed with various examples showing the importance of reporting suspicious activity and paying attention to situations that don’t appear to be right.  Plus, a thorough discussion ensued with ability for company servers to be hacked through the use of open/public Wi-Fi systems (used by employees).

With many examples given, the thought remained, how do we stop violence at our workplace?

As always, BOMA SoCT will be keeping our members very active in the coming months, so be sure to save the date for:

• Building tours on May 19th

• Golf Outing on June 7th

• Summer Social on July 21st

• Fishing Tournament on September 1st

BOMA SoCT will continue to promote successful monthly sporting and networking socials. 

BOMA members are building owners, managers, developers, leasing professionals, corporate facility managers, asset managers, and the providers of the products and services needed to operate commercial properties.

Visit us at for detailed information or connect with us on:

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Rona Siegel is the president of BOMA Southern Connecticut, and is with Collins Enterprises, LLC, Old Greenwich, Conn.



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