Keller Williams Commercial servicing clients needs

November 08, 2012 - Rhode Island

Shown are team members that completed the commercial course from Top Dogs University

The Keller Williams Commercial Division has arrived. A new national prototype is in Rhode Island. A select group of experienced agents formed the commercial division.
The office's dedication to meeting its clients needs helped expand the company's bottom line while gaining a foothold in the commercial market. Today with a group of 15 agents, Keller Williams Commercial division is positioned to market properties in all areas of Rhode Island and Southern Mass. assuming a vital role in the commercial market.
The Keller Williams Commercial division is comprised of a group of specialists who are preparing to assist in buying, leasing, or selling commercial properties.
Under the guiding force of director, Michael Alves who has 27 years experience in the field, the division works with enthusiastic energy and capabilities needed for success in this competitive arena.
"We don't want to limit ourselves as just providers of services to accompany the residential Keller Williams group, but much more than that, We want to be the paradigm of excellence for commercial real estate sales and services."said Alves. Capitalizing on the logistic advantage of the residential office, commercial team specialists are available. Experienced team members have all the modern technical tools at there disposal for top level professional performance.They are dedicated to working in the best interests of their clients and to establishing life long business relationships


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