Newport, RI Lila Delman Compass said that associate broker Eric Kirton represented the buyer in the sale of 7 Red Cross Ave., known as “TheBoxcroft”.
Located at 7 Red Cross Ave., “The Boxcroft” achieved a remarkable closing price of $3.5 million.This historic property, originally built by McKim, Mead and White for Samuel Colman, a watercolorist and collector, stands as a grand and historical home. It was originally a beautiful single-family residence but has been transformed into a magni?cent seven-unit multi-family property, offering apartments.
The three-level classic 19th-century home features an array of six ?replaces, each making a grand statement in their respective rooms. The property is situated on a private fenced lot, having over an acre of land with mature landscaping, creating a serene and inviting atmosphere.
Each apartment within “TheBoxcroft” overlooks the fenced grounds. Five apartments comprise one bedroom each,while there is a two-bedroom unit and a studio apartment.Additionally, some units feature unique amenities such as enclosed porches and private entrances.
Lila Delman Compass holds the distinction of being the #1 brokerage in the UnitedStatesandRhodeIsland,achievingtoprankingsintransactionsover$1 million and over $2.4 million in the state.
*Sale ranking representation and closing price information is based on information from the Rhode Island StatewideMLSforallsalesfortheperiodofNovember11,2021–July17,2023.TheMLSdoesnotguaranteeandisnot in any way responsible for its accuracy. Data maintained by the MLS may not re?ect all real estate activity in the market.LilaDelmanCompassisalicensedrealestatebrokerandabidesbyEqualHousingOpportunitylaws.All material presented herein is intended for informational purposes only. Information is compiled from sources deemedreliablebutissubjecttoerrors,omissions,changesinprice,condition,sale,orwithdrawalwithoutnotice.