Jaime Losch of Environmental Compliance Services, Inc. (ECS) has achieved certification as an Asbestos Inspector in the state of N.H. The certification was issued by the N.H. Department of Environmental Services.
Losch is an Indoor Air Quality, Asbestos, and Lead Project Scientist based in ECS' Waterbury office. Losch currently works on Brownfields projects as well as demolition and renovation projects and following natural disasters.
As a N.H. Asbestos Inspector, Losch is able to work in environments with potential asbestos hazards, collect samples for analysis, and assess the condition of presumed asbestos. It is a legal requirement to conduct an asbestos inspection prior to any demolition or renovation of commercial, industrial, and other non-residential structures such as apartments, day care facilities and schools.
Losch of Environmental Compliance Services, Inc. earns Asbestos Inspector certification in New Hampshire
January 19, 2012 - Construction Design & Engineering