Making a difference now and throughout the year

December 27, 2012 - Front Section

Holly Nelson, NEWiRE

definition, is an act or a gift made for humanitarian purposes. For many people, it is top of their mind primarily at the holidays, but at NEWiRE it is a 365-day initiative. Some of our efforts benefit nonprofit organizations, while others promote education and empowerment. What you choose to support is a personal decision. The important thing to remember is that everyone wins in the end.
That being said, I wanted to point out that NEWiRE offers its members a variety of ways to make a difference now and throughout the year. I invite you to learn more and consider an option that works for you whether it is our Community Involvement Committee, the NEWiRE Foundation or the Commercial Real Estate Women (CREW) Network Foundation.
Community Involvement Committee: Community outreach is an integral part of NEWiRE. The Community Involvement Committee (CIC) is dedicated to hands-on community service geared toward women and children in need. Their efforts benefit a number of nonprofit organizations around the greater Boston area. These include Solutions at Work, Carolina Hill Shelter, Elizabeth Stone House and Women's Lunch Place to name a few.
Of particular importance to note is that NEWiRE is deeply committed to the Sancta Maria House (SMH), a 10-bed overnight shelter for homeless women located in Boston's South End. The CIC held a raffle at the November luncheon that raised $2,500 for the shelter. Our organization has made a three-year commitment to SMH, and CIC efforts during this time will include preparation of a capital needs assessment, hands-on work weekends to continue with interior renovations on a room-by-room basis, and exterior courtyard cleaning and redesign. If you'd like to volunteer to assist with or contribute to any of these projects, go to the NEWiRE website for additional information.
NEWiRE Educational Foundation: The NEWiRE Educational Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable foundation. The net proceeds from the NEWiRE Annual Networking Charity Golf Tournament endow the fund that makes the NEWiRE Educational Foundation Scholarship possible. Each year the scholarship is awarded to a female student enrolled in an accredited college or university in New England, who is pursuing a career in the commercial real estate industry.
CREW Network Foundation: The CREW Network Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charitable foundation, dedicates its resources solely towards advancing women in the commercial real estate industry. In collaboration with the CREW Network, the foundation supports the Network's career outreach agenda, which cultivates women leaders in the industry through participation in a continuum of educational outreach, as well as a scholarship and mentoring program.
Specifically, the CREW Network Foundation Scholarship Endowment program benefits women across North America who are pursuing a career in commercial real estate. The foundation awarded seven scholarships in 2012. It also offers an internship in brokerage to encourage women to consider this career choice.
These scholarships empower young women by recognizing their talent and supporting their efforts. In fact, NEWiRE member and 2013 CREW Network board president-elect, Judy Nitsch will match dollar-for-dollar every $100 member donation received (up to $8,000) as of December 31st. Now is an opportune time to make a donation and help women achieve success and self-sufficiency with a career in commercial real estate!
Remember, the holidays aren't the only time to think about making a difference. Look for opportunities to support the Community Involvement Committee activities throughout the year. Or "give forward" by contributing to the NEWiRE or CREW Foundations. Thank you in advance for whatever philanthropic initiative you choose to support now or in the coming year.
Happy holidays from all of us at NEWiRE!
Holly Nelson is the 2012-2013 president of NEWiRE, Boston, Mass.


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