Mass. Maritime Academy offers graduate programs in facility managment for cont. education at convenient location

March 20, 2008 - Spotlights

Massachusetts Maritime Academy

Massachusetts Maritime Academy

Massachusetts Maritime Academy's division of graduate and continuing education launched its fifth cohort in the master of Science in Facilities Management this past September. Now well underway, the cohort has already begun to apply lessons learned in the classroom to their work.
Over 63% of the class was promoted before they had completed the program. Students are employed in the fields of government, private industry, health care and education. Supporting employers include Exelon Corp., Wheelabrator Environmental Systems, Gillette, Mirant Canal, Tascon Corporation, EMCOR, and Boston Scientific, among others. Past graduates of the MMA MSFM program have experienced similar career benefits.
Over the course of the 16 month program, students study topics such as organizational behavior, managing IT resources, and the legal and regulatory environment for facilities managers. This unique program then builds upon these core management courses with facilities management focused courses in operations management, applied probability & statistics and facilities project management.
"We anticipate another successful MSFM program providing students the opportunity to enhance their careers with the leadership and teamwork skills necessary to excel in the facilities management arena," noted Lianne Boas, dean of graduate and continuing education. "There is no doubt these students are prepared to become leaders in their field."
Graduate Programs
The academy also recently launched a master of science in emergency management (MSEM). Built upon the foundation of the MSFM program, the curriculum offers an all-hazards approach to crisis management. Geared for the working management professional, the program addresses the critical need for training in the disciplines of crisis mitigation and continuity planning, and expands upon the academy's undergraduate emergency management program. Students further their management studies with courses such as disaster recovery, emergency operations, hazards risk management and risk and crisis communication.
The MSFM program takes just 16 months to complete. With the addition of one extra course, the MSEM degree is completed in 18 months. Both groups of cohorts graduate fully prepared to take the next step in their careers.

Convenient Location
Both programs are based in Waltham, Mass. at the DoubleTree Guest Suites. This site was specifically chosen in consideration of its convenience for students working in the greater Boston area. With overnight accommodations included in the program, students essentially have a one-way commute from work to class.
Who should attend?
In today's competitive and dynamic management environment, a master's degree from MMA will distinguish managers as leaders within their field. Both programs emphasize real world experience, management and teamwork skills with a focus on the facilities or emergency arenas, respectively. Those who are seeking greater challenges in their career, as well as those who want to advance within the structure of their own company, should consider these programs.

To be considered for admission, candidates must possess a bachelor's degree and experience in their chosen field and must be capable of graduate-level study. Admissions will be based on an overall evaluation of the prospective student's application together with a personal interview. The program cost includes tuition, fees, accommodations, meals, and books. Rolling admissions are considered until each cohort is full.

For further information about this program or the academy's Master of Science degrees, please contact the Division of Graduate & Continuing Education at 508-830-5098, by email at or visit


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