Mayor's message: Plan for accelerating green economy

December 11, 2008 - Rhode Island
Sustainability is as important to us economically as it is environmentally. In Providence, I have pledged to make our capital city a leader in the green economy - in the creation of jobs, the development of new technology and the expansion of industry. And we are already beginning to make headway.
Several weeks ago, I unveiled Providence's first-ever, strategic plan for creating a more sustainable city government and accelerating the green economy with the publication of Greenprint Providence. This document outlines a number of initiatives in eight key areas, geared towards reducing the city's carbon footprint and including progress towards purchasing at least 20% of the energy the city of Providence consumes from renewable sources by the year 2020.
The 8 strategic areas include:
* Energy - renewable energy credits to offset 100% of the electricity consumed by city hall; infrastructure upgrades for $1 million annual savings; creating a planning board to coordinate efforts, and a revolving fund to capitalize green renovation projects
* Green buildings - construction of energy efficient schools through multi-year building a legacy school facilities campaign; LEED standards for all new municipal buildings
* Public space - continuing to grow our tree canopy through unprecedented tree planting program, expanding community gardens, installing solar-powered lighting in public parks and addressing storm-water management
* Transit and transportation - implement Transit 2020 recommendations (a Task Force I established last year) creating incentives for transit-oriented development; expanding walk ability and bike-ability
* Recycling and waste management - increasing recycling rates with a full-time coordinator and educational campaigns, and creating economic incentives for recycling
* Purchasing - issuing municipal green purchasing policy through Executive order to include purchase of energy efficient appliances, cleaning supplies, paper and procurement of services
* Water - phasing out sign-bottled water use in municipal buildings through executive order, conserving water use through technological innovation
* Green jobs - ensuring that workforce development partners incorporate training into education and job readiness programs, capitalize on school construction projects that contain green design elements to create those jobs
This month, I will have the proud duty of welcoming the world headquarters of Moran Shipping to our downtown. Combining state-of-the-art green technology with extraordinary historic preservation, this company is setting a higher bar for developers to achieve for generations to come.
The challenges presented by climate change and by the cost of our dependence on foreign energy mean that we have to make serious changes, but it also presents an incredible opportunity. Companies such as Moran Shipping are helping Providence move forward and I welcome them to Providence.
David Cicilline is the mayor of Providence.


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