MBREA holds its annual installation of officers on Jan. 14th at Montvale Plaza

March 11, 2009 - Appraisal & Consulting

Shown (from left) are: Greg Johnson, Lane Nordquist, Rich Goulet, Peter Vadala, Joe Muise, Wayne Wilkinson, Jonathan Asker, Ellen McDonald, Gary Minnehan, Amy Sue Hasselbaum, Steve Dunn, Rusty Harris, Wayne Valliere, Bill Russell and Allan Cohen

Pictured are outgoing MBREA president Wayne Valliere and at the podium Richard Dennis making a few remarks prior to installing the officers and trustees for 2009.

Gary Minnehan of Abington receives his RA designation from outgoing president Wayne Valliere.

The ceremonial leadership gavel is passed from outgoing president Wayne Valliere of Barnstable Plymouth Appraisal Services to incoming president Peter Vadala of Vadala Real Estate Appraisals.

Outgoing president, Wayne Valliere accepts a display gaval in appreciation for his year of service as the 2008 president of the MBREA from 2009 president Peter Vadala.

Executive MBREA director, Steve Sousa accepts a token of appreciation from incoming president Peter Vadala.



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