MBREA: State regulations changing and upcoming events

June 12, 2008 - Appraisal & Consulting

Stephen Sousa

Significant appraiser attention has been focused on activity in our nation's capital. We have witnessed several congressional bills, filed both in the house and senate, percolate then go to simmer as each branch tries to figure out the best solution to the mortgage and housing crisis. Presently, legislators seem to be zeroing in on a measure that might include language addressing appraiser independence. Overshadowing congress is the Home Valuation Code of Conduct that drew a firestorm of criticism from most everyone and is now in a holding pattern as the parties figure out what to do.

State Regulations Have Been Changing

Hopefully, local changes affecting New England appraisers did not escape notice. All the states have, or are about to, rewritten their appraisal regulations this year. The primary impetus was the adoption of the new educational requirements but other issues were also addressed. For example, Maine instituted a 10-day notice requirement for certain events, e.g., criminal conviction, that affect a licensee. Most of the states also adopted regulations related to the supervision of trainees. Mass. is working on regulations dealing with supervision, workfile contents and signature control that should be forthcoming in the near future. Appraisers should take the time to become familiar with the regulations that govern their activity for each state in which they are licensed, MBREA has links to each state's licensing board's Web site under the resources tab at www.mbrea.org.

Save The Date

The 18th New England Appraisers Expo will take place on Monday, October 20th. Produced jointly with our colleagues at the Mass. chapter of the Appraisal Institute, the expo will return to the Sheraton Four Points Hotel, Norwood, Mass. Planning for speakers and education is underway with more details to be sent in the weeks ahead. Meanwhile, make sure you mark the date, October 20th on your calendar.

Save With MBREA

With the cost of doing business rising daily, MBREA has expanded its menu of money saving services for its members. As a member, you can receive a 10% discount on products and services from The Warren Group (including their Real Estate Records Search), discounts on office supplies from Staples and insurance savings from Richard Hawkins, CLU (health, disability and life) and Liberty Mutual (auto, home, etc.). Members save 25% when they order E-USPAP from The Appraisal Foundation using a special promotional code. Go to www.mbrea.org to check out all the benefits of membership.

Online Continuing Education

You can fight the high cost of driving by enrolling in MBREA's online education. Presently offering seven subjects, we expect to expand program selections in the weeks ahead. Online education allows you to complete continuing education requirements at your pace, at your home or office, 24 hours a day and seven days a week.

Join & Become Involved

Not a member of New England's premier organization for appraisers? We invite you to check us out and join. If you mention this article when submitting your membership application, we will waive the $50 one time application fee. Download an application today at www.mbrea.org.

Stephen Sousa is the executive vice president of the Mass. Board of Real Estate Appraisers, Dedham, Mass.


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