McGuill plans to expand IREM CT chapter membership

January 20, 2017 - Connecticut
Shown (from left) are: Jane Malone – CPM candidate; Tracey Neal – associate member; Scott De Lemos – CPM; Linda Lee
Libertino CPM; Jennell Howard, ARM; Mark O’Hagan, CPM; Heather Phillips, ARM, CPM candidate; Jason Falcetta, CPM, ACoM; Sandi Siedel, CPM; 2017 chapter president, David McGuill, CPM; and 2016 national president, Christopher Mellen, CPM, ARM

New Haven, CT David McGuill, CPM,  of  Related Management and 2017 Connecticut chapter president, will plan to expand the chapter’s membership.

McGuill will include implementing a chapter mentoring program with Certified Property Manager Candidates (CPMC) and other potential members to get them more involved with the organization. He will ensure that the chapter will get more  involved with Connecticut expo/trade shows in 2017, and also be participating in local college fairs.

McGuill and his team will  be reaching out to local colleges for new student membership.

McGuill,  officers and executive board members will work to maximize the new IREM Association Executive  (IAE)  now that the 1st year  is completed.



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