Missing pieces? No problem! Metal repair and fabrication from Pumpcoat/PCI

October 04, 2012 - Owners Developers & Managers

Metal repair and fabrication from Pumpcoat/PCI

There comes a point with equipment maintenance where some parts corrode or erode to the extent they just aren't repairable anymore. Some parts go missing over time and leave the maintenance people wondering where new ones might be obtained. While this might be an impediment for some companies, Pumpcoat/PCI Contractor Specialists has many years expertise incorporating weld repairs and fabrication into projects for seamless results.
At a recent project doing repair and maintenance for several electric transformer yards in Connecticut, one of the maintenance buildings had a badly damaged metal door cover meant to keep bad weather out. None existed on the other buildings. The last remaining awning was falling apart, so repair was not a viable option. Pumpcoat/PCI workers set about designing and fabricating a new set of awnings out of sheet metal, one for each of the buildings. Additionally, the large metal doors to the buildings were badly rusted and corroded in different areas. Pumpcoat/PCI performed weld repairs to the metal, and procured new hinges and latches for each door.
On another project for rebuild/repair of a cooling tower, it was discovered that the distribution tray covers had long since disappeared. These covers served to keep branches, dirt and debris out of the water that circulated throughout the machine and collected in the trays. Additionally, the louvers in the cooling tower were rusted and had build up on them. Measurements were taken and Pumpcoat/PCi Designed and fabricated several tray covers from metal to fit the distribution trays, and new sets of louvers to fit into the cooling tower frames.
Metal repairs and fabrications are one of the services incorporated as needed into projects Pumpcoat/PCI undertakes. As specialty contractors, we recognize that no two projects are exactly alike. We consider the issues and we problem solve for the best results for the customer.
For maintenance and repair needs at your building or plant, please call Mike or Yvonne at Pumpcoat/PCI Contractor Specialists at 508-540-5878, or visit us on the web at www.pumpcoat.com.


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