New England Chapter of SIOR remains in excellent shape by attracting new members

September 22, 2009 - Spotlights

Greg Klemmer, SIOR

The New England Chapter of the Society of Industrial and Office Realtors (SIOR) remains in excellent shape. We have an active Board with a Program calendar that has energized not only the membership but brokers who are relatively new to the market and interested in joining.
This is not by luck. The chapter has been proactive in encouraging new membership. Long gone are the days where organizations where able to grow their memberships passively. Across the country, clubs, trade organizations and industry groups are seeing older members retire at a pace greater than new members join. This is why the New England Chapter of SIOR has been organizing events oriented towards attracting new members.
Over the summer, we held two young professional after hour events at the Atlantic Beer Garden. These events attracted a solid group of younger brokers who networked and learned about SIOR. Many of these brokers have begun the process of joining our Candidate Program. We also recently had a joint program with NEWIRE, hosted by Normandy, at Normandy's Indigo Hotel in Newton. This was an excellent event where NEWIRE was introduced to SIOR and learned of the benefits and importance of the designation. Normandy also spent time discussing their firm and local projects.
Our breakfasts continue to be a draw as they are hosted by local developers and associate members who give their spin on the market and/or their projects. Jon Davis shared his thoughts on the economic collapse, how the real estate market is affected and how the problems will manifest themselves. Don Oldmixon and team gave an interesting presentation on Hobbs Brook's impressive new Rte. 128 office development, 175∙185 Winter St., Waltham. Diversified Project Management discussed project management services and their benefits to both brokers and our clients. These breakfasts attract members and the general brokerage community.
And finally, the chapter offers an annual scholarship. The purpose of the scholarship is to provide up and coming commercial real estate brokers that have been in the business for a minimum of three years with the opportunity to expand their education and knowledge of the industry by taking an SIOR professional course and attend a conference. The goal is to make them aware of the many benefits that SIOR has to offer, and encourage them to pursue the SIOR designation. Past recipients have been Jeremy Fried and Tim Brodigan.
The SIOR designation is an earned designation. One needs to take courses, close a certain volume of business over time and be recommended by two SIOR's. I would join again if it was double the requirements. Every client, if they do not already recognize it, asks about the designation and it is instant credibility. Through the SIOR network, we have sold or leased over $45 million in sales and numerous leases throughout the country for major corporate clients as well as over 300,000 sf of incoming business. This is an invaluable benefit whether you are with a small or national company. The national conferences are outstanding networking events and attract just as many brokers from national firms as independent ones, demonstrating their value, while their educational value is second only to the social events.
I have enjoyed working on making the New England Chapter stronger and making the SIOR designation a mark of excellence and goal of all serious commercial brokers.
Greg Klemmer, SIOR, is the president of the New England Chapter of the Society of Industrial & Office Realtors, and is president of Klemmer Associates, Winchester, Mass.


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