New England SIOR board of directors meet

February 12, 2009 - Spotlights

SIOR board of directors

The New England SIOR Chapter board met recently to discuss 2009. Greg Klemmer, as the new Chapter president, welcomed the 10 attending board members. Klemmer started the meeting with a focus for new qualified candidates. There was a lengthy conversation about the recruitment system and processing applications. He wants SIOR Chapter members to invite candidates to the breakfast events and observe the value of the SIOR designation. We currently have 60 Chapter members with 3 or 4 new designees. The Chapter has also published a new Chapter flyer for prospective members. The Treasurer's Report shows the Chapter remains in good financial shape and we continue to have outside sponsors for our events. The board also voted to develop a chapter website and hire a tech person to install FrontPage. The chapter will also hold Bull N' Beer events during 2009 and discussed other popular breakfast Landlord featured events.
Garry Holmes was then congratulated by the board for receiving The President's Award by the Mass. Chapter of NAIOP for his volunteer work at the NAIOP Mass. Chapter Annual Meeting. Jonathan Davis, the 2008 Chapter president, presented the 2008 President's Award to Holmes who served as the chair of the 2008 Charitable Events Committee. In addition, Holmes has planned the market roundups and annual forecasts that NAIOP presents with SIOR Chapter for the last 9 years. Congratulations to Garry for all his efforts with NAIOP and SIOR!


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